The sinner’s friend

The sinner’s friend

“I have called you friends!” John 15:15

The Pharisees called our Lord “The friend of sinners.” They thought to brand him with shame and hold his name up to ridicule; but what they thought to be his shame is his chief glory. He is indeed “the friend of sinners.” Thank God he is! This is what makes the gospel good news. This is no sham gospel that we preach; but it is real salvation for real sinners. It is real grace for real guilt. We preach no gospel of merit for moralists. We preach the good news of forgiveness for men who are nothing, have nothing and can do nothing! “COME ye sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore. Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, love, and power.”                                              Henry Mahan.

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