Religion is to know biblical facts; life is to know God (I John 5:20). Religion is to know what I believe; life is to know Whom I believe (II Timothy 1:12). Religion is to be baptized into the church; Life is to be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3). Religion is to be reformed, life is […]
Atonement and Intercession John 17:9 You cannot separate the atonement of Christ from the intercession of Christ. In Hebrews 7 we read that Christ, our High Priest in heaven, is always interceding for us. But our Saviour tells us in John 17, that he only makes intercession for his elect. There he says, “I pray […]
When I look at myself I am ashamed. When I look at God’s holy law I am condemned. When I look at God’s justice I despair. When I look into the gospel I grow bold: for I see pardon obtained, righteousness wrought out, salvation finished, and justice satisfied: then I am filled […]
If God did not choose some men without any conditions, NO MAN would ever choose God under any condition. God chose us, not because we believe, but that we may believe. Augustine A believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is convinced in his heart that God Almighty is Sovereign in creation, in providence, and in […]
Married to an Ethiopian woman? (The following is by Spurgeon) “And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Numbers 12:1 Strange choice of Moses, but how much more strange the choice of him who is a prophet like unto Moses, […]
Nothing yet Everything The price for the salvation of all God’s people was paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ. Any attempt to add anything to His finished work is to rob Him of his glory, and to say His blood is not sufficient to cover my sins. It is to change free grace […]
“A Merciful and Faithful High Priest” Hebrews 2:17 It is this conformity to us that qualifies our Lord to be the kind of Priest we need. He was made a man that he might be our High Priest. And he suffered, being tempted as a man, that he might be “a merciful and […]
All error in theology comes from two sources. An attempt to make God less than He is or an attempt to make man more than he is. Henry Mahan God is well-pleased, and receives with pleasure, approbation, and delight—all who approach His throne of grace, sensible of their needs—in the name of Christ crucified. Hence […]
I have loved to hear my Lord spoken of; now I am going to see Him. I have seen the print of His shoe on the earth; now I am going to sit at His feet. I have read His Word; now I am going to hear His voice. I have beheld His world; now […]
Grace denial? Winslow, “The Glory of the Redeemer in His People” Be cautious of grace denial. You will need much holy wisdom here, lest you overlook the work of the Spirit within you. You have thought, it may be, of the glory that Christ receives from…. brilliant genius, and profound talent, and splendid gifts, and glowing […]