The Union Of Christ And His People

The Union Of Christ And His People

It often happens, in the Psalms, that you can scarcely tell whether it

is David, or the Lord Jesus, or both of them, to whom the writer is

referring. Oftentimes you lose sight of David altogether, and are quiet

certain that he is not there; while, at other times, the words seem equally

suited either to David as the type, or to Jesus as the antitype. I think

that this fact is very instructive to us. It is as the Holy Ghost intended,

even in those ancient times, to let God’s saints know that there is a

mysterious union between Christ and His people, so that almost all things

which may be said concerning Him may be said, also, concerning those who are

in Him. They are so completely one, they are so intimately united in bonds

of mystic, vital, conjugal, eternal union, that it would not be possible

always to keep the sayings concerning them apart. — Charles Spurgeon

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