Law or Grace — You Cannot Have Both!

Law or Grace — You Cannot Have Both!
Galatians 5:4

Most religious people attempt to mix man’s works of obedience to the law
with God’s works of grace for sinners, making salvation a mixture of
works and grace. Fallen men have been attempting to mix law and grace
since the days of Cain and Abel. Very few are the blasphemers who openly
assert, “Salvation is by works;” but almost everyone believes it. When
salvation by God’s free grace alone is plainly declared, lost
religionists cling to and defend their works, denouncing the one who
dares to affirm that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone,
in Christ alone as a promoter of licentiousness and a vile antinomian,
Yet, the truth must be declared in plain, unmistakable terms.

Mutually Exclusive
Grace and works are mutually exclusive. They annihilate one another. If
we are saved by our own works in any way, to any degree, in whole or in
part, then we are not saved by the grace of God. If we are saved by the
grace of God alone, then we are not saved by our own works of obedience
to the law of God (Romans 11:6). The doctrine of Holy Scripture is
unmistakable. — The whole work of salvation (election, redemption,
regeneration, sanctification, preservation and glorification) is by the
grace of God alone (Romans 8:28-30; 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2:8-9}.

Heretical Doctrine
All churches, religions and systems of doctrine which teach salvation by
the works of the law are heretical. I mean to be understood. I am saying
that any teaching that says sinners are justified, given favor with God,
sanctified, preserved, or shall inherit the reward of heavenly glory
upon the basis of their own personal obedience to the law of God is
legalism, anti-christ and damning to all who receive it (Galatians 5:1-4).

Sanctification Too
This gospel doctrine of salvation by grace alone does, most certainly,
extend even to the believer’s sanctification in Christ. To be sanctified
is to be set apart by God for holy service, declared to be holy and
actually made holy. If, as all agree, sanctification is that without
which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14), then sanctification can
no more be a matter of works than justification. That is precisely what
the Word of God declares. The Bible nowhere presents sanctification as a
conditional thing, depending upon the believer’s works. Like every other
aspect of salvation, sanctification is an unconditional work of grace,
performed for us and in us by the triune God (Jude 1, Hebrews 10:10; 2
Thessalonians 2:13). — “By grace ye are saved!” — “Salvation is of the
Don Fortner

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