What is it to preach the gospel? by Don Fortner “Salvation is, in its entirety, the work of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ. Election, redemption, justification, sanctification, and preservation are all works of grace alone, in no way conditioned upon the will, works, or worth of the sinner.” What Is it to Preach […]
All the devil’s tricks! J.C.Philpot 2Cor. 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Satan is so wily—his agents so surround us—their designs are so masked—their language so plausible—their manners so insinuating—their appearance often so imposing—their arguments so subtle—their activity so unwearied—their insight into our weaknesses […]
The religion which I want J.C.Philpot I am quite sick of modern religion—it is such a mixture, such a medley, such a compromise. I find much, indeed, of this religion in my own heart, for it suits the flesh well—but I would not have it so, and grieve it should be so. The religion which […]
OUR LORD HERE COMMANDS US TO SEPARATE OURSELVES FROM BABYLON, THE GREAT WHORE. Again, I stress the fact that Babylon is not a literal city. And it certainly is not a literal woman. Babylon is all false religion in this world. It is the mother of all idolatry and abominable doctrine of the earth. Babylon […]
A fictitious god? Winslow’s, “The Enmity of the Carnal Mind” “The carnal mind is enmity against God.” Romans 8:7 How completely this declaration sweeps away all the fancied reverence and admiration for God which floats before the imagination of the carnal mind in its profound slumber! The carnal mind may own its belief in the […]
Does God Love Everyone? In answering this question many go straight to John 3:16 for the answer. The verse reads “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Many will answer this question based on the verse […]
SOMEONE IS LYING! WHO is spreading lies across America and throughout the world? Who is it that is telling around that the Lord Jesus Christ ransomed some who are not ransomed? Redeemed some who are not actually redeemed? Atoned for the sins of some whose sins are not covered? Purged the sins of some whose sins have not […]
The religionists of the day (J. C. Philpot, “Faith’s Standing-Ground” 1862) “And everyone will hate you because of yourallegiance to Me.” Luke 21:17 Professors of religion have always been thedeadliest enemies of the children of God. Who were so opposed to the blessed Lord as theScribes and Pharisees? It was the religious teachersand leaders who […]
This is the doctrine that we preach! (Charles Spurgeon) This is the doctrine that we preach:If a man is saved—all the honor is to be given to Christ.If a man is lost—all the blame is to be laid upon himself. You will find all true theology summed up in these two short sentences:Salvation is all […]
Beware Of False Prophets “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” — Matthew 7:15-16 The Lord Jesus Christ, being the faithful Shepherd that He is, warns us much about ‘false prophets.’ Though a frightening and uncomfortable subject, yet it is so very […]