Bulletin Articles Issue #162 Feb 2013

It often happens, in the Psalms, that you can scarcely tell whether it
is David, or the Lord Jesus, or both of them, to whom the writer is
referring. Oftentimes you lose sight of David altogether, and are quiet
certain that he is not there; while, at other times, the words seem equally
suited either to David as the type, or to Jesus as the antitype. I think
that this fact is very instructive to us. It is as the Holy Ghost intended,
even in those ancient times, to let God’s saints know that there is a
mysterious union between Christ and His people, so that almost all things
which may be said concerning Him may be said, also, concerning those who are
in Him. They are so completely one, they are so intimately united in bonds
of mystic, vital, conjugal, eternal union, that it would not be possible
always to keep the sayings concerning them apart. — Charles Spurgeon

Christ and his Bride

In eternity, the LORD God said of Christ what he said of Adam, “it is not good that he should be alone.” (Gen 2: 18.) Before the world was made God the Father gave to his Son a bride, his church, his children, the family of God. Think of that, you who have been called by the grace of God the Father have been children from eternity, the bride married to your Husband from everlasting (Isaiah 54: 5.) But when we were born in sin we were an adulteress, like Gomer who left Hosea for her lovers (Hosea 3). Yet the love of God is sovereign, unchangeable love. Therefore, Christ our Husband left his Father and cleaved unto his bride. Christ joined himself with our flesh. Christ laid down his life for his bride bearing her sin his own body on the tree, being made a curse for us, and has redeemed his bride from the slave-block of sin (Ho 3: 1; Ep 5: 25-27.) Through the good news of the gospel the Spirit of God washes us in regeneration, gives us faith to believe on Christ who has perfected us forever. Our Husband shall present his bride to himself a chaste virgin (Eph 5: 27.) Do you see how the Father loves his children? How Christ loves his bride? He loves his bride as his own flesh because we are his own body (Ep 5: 29-32.) Every child born anew by the Spirit of God is nourished and corrected of the Father away from ourselves to Christ in whom we have the blessed assurance. Our Husband has linked his destiny, his honor, his life, his happiness with his bride. Every member, every individual child of the Father shall be saved and not one shall be lost, and so the body of Christ shall be complete. Who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ?—Nothing! What God has joined together none shall put asunder. (Ro 8: 38-39; Ep 5: 30-32.) Clay Curtis

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