Jan 16
Four lies
These are four false statements made from the average pulpit and parroted by those who hear them.
“God loves YOU.”
“Jesus died for YOU.”
“Will you ACCEPT Jesus?”
“Give YOUR HEART to Jesus.”
Why are these statements false? Because they are unscriptural, and should never be preached nor told to men indiscriminately. Not one of these statements is found in the Bible. Where then did they come from? From men! Not once did any preacher in the Word of God, not even The Lord Jesus EVER say to people “God loves you, Jesus died for you”.
Let me put it this way. If anyone had told Esau, or Judas Iscariot that God loved them and Christ died for them they would have lied to them! God hated Esau, Judas was a devil. In the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, the word love is not mentioned once, nor do you find any one of the apostles at any time preaching “God loves you, Jesus died for you”. Instead of honoring the Love of God and the Death of Christ these statements belittle it and make it of NO VALUE. It is this pitiful concept of Gods Love and the Death of Christ that has brought us to such a miserable state as a people. There is no fear of death or judgment, no fear of sin and it’s consequences, because God loves everybody and Christ died for them, so what is there to fear?
Gods love and the death of Christ in the Holy Scriptures is always addressed to a particular class of person. It is addressed to sinners, the elect, to beggars, to weak and heavy laden, to the sheep, even “to many”, but never to all indiscriminately. Our Lord told the Pharisees; “ how shall you escape the damnation of hell?” (Matt. 23:33). Does that sound like He loved them and died for them? If the average religionist was preaching to those same people today, they would have said; Smile God loves you and Jesus gave his life for you. But they would also have been lying to them!
It is only when men are taught by the Holy Spirit that they are sinners by birth and practice, that they deserve hell for their sins, that they are under the just condemnation of the Holy and Just God of the Bible, “No man can come unto me except the Father which sent me draw them, and they shall all be taught of God”(Jn. 6:44-45). It is only a soul that is drawn and taught by the Holy Spirit that can find any assurance in the Love Of God and the death of Christ for them. God’s love is manifested only in Christ . Do you believe and trust Him ? Don Bell