Jul 17
Blessed Assurance
John 6:37
There is something very comforting to the believer when he sees the
“wills”, “shalls”, and “musts” within the scripture. Those words speak
of certainty. When it comes to the God of the Bible, we behold there One
who is sovereign — One Who does as He wills and One who owes no
explanation of His actions to anyone. The God of scripture is not one
that can be bargained with, but is One to be bowed to. His Word always
goes forth and accomplishes the purpose for which it has been sent
(Isaiah 55:11). One such scripture plainly sets forth the certainty of
salvation for God’s people is John 6:37. Listen to the unwavering words
of our Lord: “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him
that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Within this one scripture
three undeniable and unchangeable facts are established by the Holy
Spirit, and in these facts the eye of faith most assuredly beholds God’s
glory: 1) God the Father has given a blessed gift to the Son, 2) the
Lord Jesus Christ will most assuredly possess that gift, and 3) that
gift is eternally secure.
1. God the Father has given a blessed gift to the Son. “All that the
Father giveth me” — Here the Lord Jesus speaks of a definite number and
group of people that has been given by eternal election unto the Son.
Those given by the Father were chosen in Christ from the foundation of
the world unto eternal life. It was for these elect sinners that our
Lord prayed in John 17. Hear the words of the interceding Master as His
heart is revealed in prayer to His Father: “I have manifested thy name
to the men which thou gavest me out of the world” (vs. 6). “I pray for
them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me;
for they are thine” (vs. 9). The apostle Paul wrote to the church at
Thessalonica: “But we are bound to give thanks unto God for you,
brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen
you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the
truth” (2 Thess. 2:13). Men may talk of their desires or their
intentions, but how marvelous it is that the Holy Ghost would reveal
God’s choice. Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus clearly states that
God has “chosen us in Him (that is, Christ Jesus) that we should be holy
and without blame before Him (the Father) in love (Eph. 1:4). That the
Father has given a blessed gift to the Son is to the praise of the glory
of His grace. With this truth established, let us now consider the next
unchangeable fact of John 6:3:
2. The Lord Jesus Christ will possess that gift. One may ask, “what is
the sign that a man has been chosen of God unto salvation?” Again, the
scripture is plain and emphatic when it comes to the salvation of God’s
elect. “All that the Father giveth me shall come (by faith) to me.” Can
there be anything more certain than these words? Does the Lord leave
anything to chance? NO! Based on the authority of the word of God, those
that the Father has given to the Son shall come to the Son for
salvation. These elect behold by faith that God is pleased with them
only on the merit of being found in Christ. The blood that Christ shed
at Calvary to cover the guilt of all the elect is the only atonement
that will be accepted by a Holy God. God’s elect shall in time perceive
the beauty of Christ as their Substitute, their Redeemer, their
Representative, and their Savior. They shall come to Him for life and
mercy as needy spiritual beggars. They come because they are made
willing in the day of His power (Psalm 110:3). They long to drink of
Christ because they are thirsty for the Water of Life (John 7:37). They
come to eat of His flesh (John 6:53) because they see Him to be the
Bread from heaven. The eternal purpose of the Almighty God cannot be
frustrated. The sovereign will of the Most High God shall be
accomplished. This then brings us to the last great truth of John 6:37:
3. That gift is eternally secure. The Lord Jesus said “him that cometh
to me” shall not be cast out! Here is eternal security for everyone that
truly comes to Christ. This is the foundation that stands secure. This
is blessed assurance for those spiritual beggars that come by faith to
the Savior. Never cast out — O how wonderful that sounds to one who
recognizes his tendency to wander from God. Every time a saint sees
something of his inability to keep himself faithful (which is
constantly), he is reminded of the faithfulness of God Who never leaves
nor forsakes His own. The words “I will in no wise cast out” are an
anthem of hope to every one that truly needs the Savior.
God’s word stands sure. When it comes to the salvation of God’s people,
one can rest on these truths: God has given (and chosen) to His Son a
people that He has eternally loved. Those that the Father has given to
Christ shall by Spirit-given faith surely come unto salvation. All that
come to Christ by faith unto salvation shall surely be preserved by
Christ, for He will in no wise cast them out. For these blessed truths,
we praise and give thanks to our matchless Lord.
Marvin Stalnaker