Christ is the way

Christ is the way
Isaiah 35: 8: And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be
called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it;

Earthly Zion was where the city of Jerusalem was. It was the place where
the one altar and the one mercy-seat were. That was the one place where
the Lord in manifest glory communed with His covenant people. Therefore,
access to earthly Zion was the most important part of the believers life.

Eventually, Judah was carried away captive by Babylon. The true
believers longed to be redeemed from captivity and for a highway by
which they could return to Zion, to the tabernacle of the Lord, to
return into the presence of God. In due time the LORD raised up a king
who set the captives free; and as promised, the LORD gave them a highway
and the remnant returned to Zion with songs of rejoicing.

The good news of the gospel is far greater than a highway to some
earthly place here below. When sin entered the world and death by sin,
all mankind was taken into captivity in sin and separation from God. But
God had a remnant chosen in Christ. In the fullness of time, Christ the
King was raised up. He built the King’s Highway. And he is the Way. By
the Holy Spirit of God, every chosen child shall be newly born and
called into Christ the Way, kept in him. Every believer shall make our
pilgrimage in the Way from the sinful wilderness of Babylon to heavenly
Clay Curtis

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