Mar 19
How is a sinner saved? The apostle Paul very plainly tells us how! In
Ephesians 2:8 he said, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and
that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” Salvation is a work of
God’s grace. It was God’s grace that chose the sinner before the
foundation of the world. It was God’s grace that sent Christ in due time
to die on the cross as a substitute for all of His chosen people. And it
is God’s grace that sends His Holy Spirit to each one of those
particular people with the gift of faith. Faith believes totally on
Christ. Faith believes His Word. Faith causes sinners to believe that
The Father did all of the choosing in salvation, and The Son did all of
the redeeming work in salvation. Faith causes sinners to cry: “It is not
of ourselves… it is of Christ alone!” A truly saved sinner will know
that he cannot take any credit for any part of his salvation, not even
for the faith that believes. Even that is “the gift of God”. Pastor Gabe