Apr 19
Absolutely Sovereign
Clay Curtis
Psalm 76:10: Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of
wrath shalt thou restrain.
If we deny the absolute sovereignty of God we do not deny it because we
think it belittles God. Whether we know it or not we do it TO BELITTLE
GOD AND EXALT SELF. Though most argue against God’s absolute authority
and power claiming concern over God being accused of being the author of
evil, the true concern is that I’ll be found out to be the author of all
my sin.
If we confess that God can remove his restraining hand from a man,
harden a man’s heart, so that the sinner commits evil in a city all to
accomplish God’s purpose then we have to confess that it is only by
God’s direct hand and purpose that sinners are not venting more evil
than we do now. By nature evil is what we are. The only thing keeping me
from committing the vilest act right now is the sovereign power of God.
Yet, all the evil acts that sinners have ever committed on this earth
have praised God. One only has to look at the most sinful act of all. At
the cross we behold God bringing praise to his name from the unrighteous
wrath of man through the death of his own Son. If everything which
happened to God’s own Son was according to God’s determinate council
then who are we to question him as to what he does from his throne in
glory to us worms called men. Praise him that he has not given us our
just due in removing his hand from all of us. Sinful man apart from
God’s restraining hand is hell.
God’s absolute sovereignty is the very definition of who God is. It
gives great peace to the sinner who has been made to see him in truth. I
am thankful my God is truly God.