Christ Our Rule

Christ Our Rule

Galatians 6:16 “And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on 
And what is this rule we walk by? The Law? No. It is this, “God forbid 
that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” 
(Galatians 6:14). Truly, this is the believer’s rule of life. This is 
our standard of measurement. Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This is our 
rule for understanding the Scriptures. All Scripture points to Him. This 
is the rule of our faith. He is the object of our faith. This is the 
rule of our assurance. Any assurance derived anywhere but simply 
glorying in the cross is a false assurance. This is the rule of our 
motives. Any motive other than His glory is a wrong motive. This is the 
rule of our doctrine. All of our doctrine finds Christ crucified as its 
sum and substance. This is our rule of motivation. His love to us 
“constraineth us”. He is our rule in everything. He is that “one pearl

Todd Nibert

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