Bulletin Edition February 2021


There is not one sin in the book of God against any believer. Our sins were laid on Him, the law is honoured, the justice of God is satisfied; and inas­much as sin condemned Him, sin cannot condemn us. This is my hope, my comfort, and my security; that all my sins, transgressions, and iniquities were atoned for before they were even committed! This, indeed, is good news for the guilty. 

Henry Mahan

If chastisement were not necessary

(James Smith, “The Evening Sacrifice; Or, A Help to Devotion” 1859)

“No chastening seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Afflictions are always painful–and days of affliction are often gloomy. But as we are training for eternity, as we are maturing for Heaven, and as afflictions are necessary discipline–we must be afflicted. If chastisement were not necessary–then our loving Father would never use the rod. But as every one of us needs correction–He chastens every son whom He receives. God’s chastisements are intended for our instruction–they are designed to teach us . . .

the evil of sin,

our need of grace,

the holiness of God,

the preciousness of Jesus,

the emptiness of the world,

and the blessedness of Heaven.

These are lessons of the deepest importance to us–lessons that we are slow to learn; and therefore we must have line upon line, and stroke upon stroke.

Heavenly Father, help us to bow to Your sovereign will, to bear with patience every stroke of Your rod, and to learn the holy and important lessons which You intend to teach us. May we not only submit to Your discipline–but, seeing the love which ordains it, and the need there is for it–even acquiesce in it. Keep us from fretting at pain, repining at losses, or giving way to too much grief at bereavements–knowing that all these things come from You, and that You design them for our good. Help us to understand that every trial and every trouble is a blessing–and will end in eternal glory. Sweet thought!

O for grace to yield ourselves to You–and to sweetly acquiesce in all Your paternal dealings!

“Blessed is the man whom God corrects–so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.” Job 5:17

I have not Preached, If I have not…

· Preached the truth of God, faithfully expounding his Word.

· Honoured God as God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) in his great works of redemption and grace.

· Shown poor, lost sinners the way to God, shutting them up to faith in Christ, pressing them into the kingdom of God by the gospel.

· Slapped you in the face with your sin, stabbed you in the heart with your guilt, and wounded your soul with your own depravity.

· Comforted you with the sweet balm of forgiveness by grace through the precious blood of Christ and the blessed joy of perfect righteousness before God in union with his dear Son.

· Inspired your soul with renewed zeal to renewed consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ. — And…

· Led you to the Throne of Grace in worship.

Preaching, gospel preaching, is much more than informing the minds and stirring the emotions of those who hear us. Preaching, gospel preaching, is much more than defending creeds and entertaining immortal souls on the brink of eternity with doctrine. Preaching, gospel preaching, moves immortal souls to God! 

Don Fortner


I challenge anyone to put his or her finger on one scripture in the Holy Bible where Christ ever turned away a truly repentant sinner. You won’t find one! Many came in pride that were turned away. Many came in religion that were soon drawn away. Yet never was there one desperate sinner who came with great need and desire to be healed that was ever denied His grace. David Eddmenson

Poor, moping, dejected creatures

We are, most of us, so fettered down by . . .

the chains of time and sense,

the cares of life and daily business,

the weakness of our earthly frame,

the distracting claims of a family, and

the miserable carnality and sensuality of our fallen nature,

that we live at best a poor, dragging, dying life.

Many of us are poor, moping, dejected creatures.

We have . . .

a variety of trials and afflictions,

a daily cross and

the continual plague of an evil heart.

We know enough of ourselves to know that in SELF

there is neither help nor hope, and never expect a

smoother path, a better, wiser, holier heart. As then . . .

the weary man seeks rest,

the hungry man seeks food,

the thirsty man seeks drink,

and the sick man seeks health,

so do we stretch forth our hearts and arms that we

may embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and sensibly

realize union and communion with Him.

He discovers the evil and misery of sin that we may

seek pardon in His bleeding wounds and pierced side.

He makes known to us our nakedness and shame,

and, as such, our exposure to God’s wrath, that we

may hide ourselves under His justifying robe.

He puts gall and wormwood into the world’s choicest

draughts, that we may have no sweetness but in and

from Him.

J.C Philpot

A few more throbbings of this aching heart!

(John MacDuff, 

“The days of your mourning shall be ended!” Isaiah 60:20

Christ’s people are a weeping band–though there is much in this lovely world to make them joyous and happy. Yet when they think of sin–their own sin, and the unblushing sins of a world in which their God is dishonored–need we wonder at their tears? Are we surprised that they should be called “mourners,” and that their pilgrimage is a “Valley of Tears?” Sickness, bereavement, poverty and death following the track of sin–add to their mourning experience! And with many of God’s best beloved children, one tear is scarcely dried–when another is ready to flow!

Mourners! rejoice!

When the reaping time comes–the weeping time ends!

When the white robe and the golden harp are bestowed–every remnant of the sackcloth attire is removed. The moment the pilgrim, whose forehead is here furrowed with woe, bathes it in the crystal river of life–that moment the pangs of a lifetime of sorrow are eternally forgotten!

Reader! if you are one of these careworn ones, take heart–the days of your mourning are numbered! A few more throbbings of this aching heart–and then sorrow, and sighing, and mourning, will be forever past!

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes! There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain!” Revelation 21:4

“Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning!” Psalm 30:5

A weak, defenseless, thoughtless creature — and prone to wander!

(John Newton)

“I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” John 10:11

This great and good Shepherd has a flock, whom He loved from everlasting — and whom having loved, He will love to the end. He . . .

  humbled Himself for their sakes,

  submitted to partake of their nature and their sorrows,

  took upon Him the form of a servant,

  and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh.

He died for His sheep, “the just for the unjust,” to redeem them . . .

  from the curse of the law,

  from the guilt and dominion of sin,

  from the power of Satan — and to bring them to God.

They, by nature, are all “gone astray, every one to his own way”. But having thus bought them with His blood — in His own appointed time He seeks, finds, and restores His sheep. By the power of His Word and Spirit — He makes Himself known to their hearts, causes them to hear and understand His voice, and guides them into His fold. They are under His immediate protection and government.

Considered as individuals, they are fitly described by the name of sheep. A sheep is a weak, defenseless, thoughtless creature — and prone to wander! If once gone astray — it is seldom known to return of its own accord.

A sheep has neither strength to fight with the wolf, nor speed to escape from him; nor has it the foresight of the ant, to provide its own sustenance.

Such is our character, and our situation —

  unable to take care of ourselves,

  prone to wander from our resting-place,

  exposed to enemies which we can neither withstand nor avoid,

  without resource in ourselves,

  and taught, by daily experience, the insufficiency of everything around us.

Yet, if this Shepherd is our Shepherd, as weak and helpless as we are — we may be of good courage. If we can say with David, “The Lord is my Shepherd” — then we may make the same inferences which he did, “Therefore I shall not want. Therefore I need not fear.”

“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish! No one can snatch them out of My hand!” John 10:27-28

“There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 28:24.

Octavius Winslow

The power of human sympathy is amazing, if it leads the heart to Christ. It is paralyzed, if it leads only to ourselves. Oh, how feeble and inadequate are we to administer to a diseased mind, to heal a  broken heart, to strengthen the feeble hand, and to confirm the trembling knees! Our mute sympathy, our prayerful silence, is often the best exponent of our affection, and the most effectual expression of our aid. But if, taking the object of our solicitude by the hand, we gently lead him to God- if we conduct him to Jesus, portraying to his view the depth of His love, the perfection of His atoning work, the sufficiency of His grace, His readiness to pardon, and His power to save, the exquisite sensibility of His nature, and thus His perfect sympathy with every human sorrow; we have then most truly and most effectually soothed the sorrow, stanched the wound, and strengthened the hand in God.

There is no sympathy- even as there is no love, no gentleness, no tenderness, no patience- like Christ’s. Oh how sweet, how encouraging, to know, that in all my afflictions He is afflicted; that in all my temptations He is tempted; that in all my assaults He is assailed; that in all my joys He rejoices- that He weeps when I weep, sighs when I sigh, suffers when I suffer, rejoices when I rejoice. May this truth endear Him to our souls! May it constrain us to unveil our whole heart to Him, in the fullest confidence of the closest, most sacred, and precious friendship. May it urge us to do those things always which are most pleasing in His sight. Beloved, never forget- and let these words linger upon your ear, as the echoes of music that never die- in all your sorrows, in all your trials, in all your needs, in all your assaults, in all your conscious wanderings, in life, in death, and at the day of judgment- you possess a friend that sticks closer than a brother! That friend is- Jesus!

God will meet all your needs


“And my God will meet all your needs according 

to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19

Until we are brought into the depths of poverty,

we shall never know nor value Christ’s riches.

If, then, you are a child of God, a poor and

needy soul, a tempted and tried believer in

Christ, “God will meet all your needs.”

They may be very great.

It may seem to you, sometimes, as though there

were not upon all the face of the earth such a

wretch as you—as though there never could be

a child of God in your state . . .

  so dark,

  so stupid,

  so blind and ignorant,

  so proud and worldly,

  so presumptuous and hypocritical,

  so continually backsliding after idols,

  so continually doing things that you

  know are hateful in God’s sight.

But whatever your need be—it is not beyond the

reach of divine supply! And the deeper your need,

the more is Jesus glorified in supplying it.

Do not say then, that . . .

  your case is too bad,

  your needs are too many,

  your perplexities too great,

  your temptations too powerful.

No case can be too bad!

No temptations can be too powerful!

No sin can be too black!

No perplexity can be too hard!

No state in which the soul can get, is beyond

the reach of the almighty and compassionate

love, that burns in the breast of the Redeemer!

That sympathizing, merciful, feeling,

tender, and compassionate heart


“For we do not have a High Priest who is unable

 to sympathize with our infirmities.” Hebrews 4:15

The child of God, spiritually taught and convinced,

is deeply sensible of his infirmities. Yes, that he is

encompassed with infirmities—that he is nothing else

but infirmities. And therefore the great High Priest

to whom he comes as a burdened sinner—to whom

he has recourse in the depth of his extremity—and

at whose feet he falls overwhelmed with a sense

of his helplessness, sin, misery, and guilt—is so

suitable to him as one able to sympathize with

his infirmities.

We would, if left to our own conceptions, naturally

imagine that Jesus is too holy to look down in

compassion on a filthy, guilty wretch like ourselves.

Surely, surely, He will spurn us from His feet. Surely,

surely, His holy eyes cannot look upon us in our . . .






  and shame.

Surely, surely, He cannot bestow . . .

  one heart’s thought,

  one moment’s sympathy,

  or feel one spark of love

towards those who are so unlike Him.

Nature, sense, and reason would thus argue,

“I must be holy—perfectly holy—for Jesus to love;

I must be pure—perfectly pure—spotless and

sinless, for Jesus to think of. But . . .

  that I, a sinful, guilty, defiled wretch;

  that I, encompassed with infirmities;

  that I, whose heart is a cage of unclean birds;

  that I, stained and polluted with a thousand iniquities;

that I can have any inheritance in Him—or that He can

have any love or compassion towards me—nature, sense,

reason, and human religion in all its shapes and forms,

revolts from the idea.”

It is as though Jesus specially address Himself to the

poor, burdened child of God who feels his infirmities,

who cannot boast of his own wisdom, strength,

righteousness, and consistency—but is all weakness

and helplessness. It seems as if He would address

Himself to the case of such a helpless wretch—and

pour a sweet cordial into his bleeding conscience.

We, the children of God—we, who each knows his own

plague and his own sore—we, who carry about with us

day by day a body of sin and death, that makes us

lament, sigh, and groan—we, who know painfully what

it is to be encompassed with infirmities—we, who come

to His feet as being nothing and having nothing but sin

and woe—”we do not have a High Priest who is unable

to sympathize with our infirmities,” but One who carries

in His bosom that . . .




  tender, and

  compassionate heart.

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