He must increase, but I must decrease.”

He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:30

     John the Baptist, the man who was sent to prepare the way of the Lord; the man who our Lord Jesus Christ said was the greatest prophet born of a woman, said: The Lord Jesus Christ must increase, but I must decrease.” To that, all of God’s people will cry: Amen! The higher that the Lord Jesus Christ is raised up, and the more exalted God’s people see Him to be… The happier they are! When Christ is exalted, their joy is exalted, their hope is exalted, and their faith is exalted as it LOOKS UP to Him, HIGH in the heavens. The higher they see His throne to be, the more glorious the gospel of their redemption is to them, and the more in awe they are of how far He came down to save them. After seeing Christ in all of His exalted glory, God’s people cannot and will not ever see Him any other way. They will cry to every soul who will listen: “He must increase, but I must decrease!”  Pastor Gabe Stalnaker

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