Mar 21
The most hideous blasphemy ever to be spewed from the pit of darkness!
(Don Fortner)
Universal atonement is the most hideous blasphemy ever to be spewed from the pit of darkness! No greater blasphemy ever spewed from the pit of Hell, than the blasphemous assertion that Christ died to redeem the multitudes who suffer the wrath of God there!
Universal love, universal grace, and universal redemption — is meaningless love, meaningless grace, and meaningless redemption. To preach such is to preach a meaningless gospel, a meaningless god, and a meaningless savior!
There is . . .
no love except distinguishing love,
no redemption except a particular redemption,
no atonement except a limited atonement,
no deliverance except an effectual deliverance, and
no grace except irresistible, omnipotent, saving grace!
“Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her!” Ephesians 5:25
If there is one thing in this world that everyone wants and very few have, it is rest, real rest of heart and soul before God. Fools imagine that money, property, position, and power will give them rest. Many seek rest by giving vent to the pleasures of their vile lusts. Others try to obtain rest by morality, works of charity, or the services, rituals, and ceremonies of religion. But all who seek rest in such places must, if they speak honestly, confess, “the bed is too short to stretch out on and the cover is too narrow to wrap up in” (Isa. 28:20).
If your religion does not give you rest, your religion is false (Jer. 6:16; Matt. 11:28-29; Heb. 4:3). If you make lies your refuge, you will try hard to convince yourself that you have assurance and peace before God (Isa. 28:14-20). But in the dark, lonely watches of the night, when you contemplate judgment and eternity, you have no rest! Your soul is in turmoil. The fear of death yet holds you in bondage. But all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ have entered into rest, knowing that all things necessary for their salvation have been done for them. God has chosen them as the objects of His grace in eternal election. Christ has paid their debt to the justice of God by His blood atonement. Righteousness has been imputed to them for justification and imparted to them in regeneration. For such people salvation is an absolute certainty. We have God’s Word for it. Why shouldn’t we rest? Does your religion give you rest?
–Don Fortner