There is no real and lasting rest for the unbelieving soul.

There is no real and lasting rest for the unbelieving soul. He seeks rest and satisfaction in things that are perishing.

He can never look beyond the mortal and corruptible. The yoke of the faithless is the heavy burden of sin and the sentence of death.

He looks to the law for help but is only condemned for his efforts. 

However, those who are taught of Christ by God the Spirit find sweet and lasting rest in His Person and work.

The accomplishment of Christ for His people is complete satisfaction to God.

The only rest for the soul is God-given faith in Christ through the preaching of the Gospel.

Christ our Lord was made sin and suffered our punishment for us, His elect, and now ever reigns for us in glory.

Looking to Him we find peace, comfort and rest in trials and adversity, as well in times of prosperity and peace.  Tommy Robbins

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