Apr 24
Total Depravity. Knowing that you are a sinner, wretched, depraved and spiritually dead will profit you nothing if you do not come to Christ for perfect righteousness.
Unconditional Election. Believing that God in sovereign mercy, elected a chosen people before the foundation of the world, will profit you nothing if you do not see that God elected (chose) certain sinners in His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those that come to HIM as their only hope of redemption are the Elect of God.
Limited Atonement. To believe that Christ died for certain, particular sinners will not profit you a thing if you do not trust in Him alone. God’s atonement is limited to those who believe and trust in His Son. If atonement is universal, then all men and women will trust and believe on Christ.
Irresistible Grace. To understand that God’s grace is effectual and accomplished only by His sovereign grace will profit you nothing if you do not come to Christ the Redeemer with nothing in your hand to bring.
Perseverance (Preservation) of the Saints. You can believe the precious doctrine of eternal security. However, if you do not cling to, lean on, and trust in God’s beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, enduring to the end, you will die in your sin, believing only in a doctrine.
Salvation is in a person and that person is Jesus Christ. The believer knows these five things to be true doctrine, but they know that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in CHRIST ALONE.
~David Eddmenson