THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. I am completely assured, that my salvation was purposed by God, before a star ever twinkled in the sky (Eph.1:4). How can I be so sure you say? God’s word say’s so! And I believe God’s word! You see that’s the real difference between the true children of God, and the rest of the religious world! God’s people believe God’s word! We believe we are broke and have nothing to offer God! We believe our salvation is of God alone, through Christ alone! We believe it is not of our will, but of God who sheweth mercy (Rom.9:16). And the Lord’s word say’s that “FAITH IS A GIFT” (Eph.2:8,9). God chose a people, in Christ before the foundation of the world, Christ paid the price of their sins, by sacrificing Himself on that cruel cross! He then arose, death could not hold Him, and he sit’s on His throne today, making intersession for all those that the Father hath given Him! My salvation is Rock solid, because                 SALVATION IS OF THE LORD!                                                       Pastor John Reeves

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