I know Who holds tomorrow

I remember a saying from my youth:  I know not what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow.  This saying becomes more meaningful the less “tomorrows” one sees in his future.  Time and experience are great teachers; some say they are the ONLY teachers.  But if a man is taught well by these Professors of Truth, then he will learn with increasing clarity that he has virtually no control over anything.  He will learn that, while it is wise to plan, it is wiser still to preface all his plans with, “If the Lord wills…”

Even the ungodly learn a faithless version of this and they curse the fate they cannot overcome.  But the child of God who has been tutored in the Lord’s school not only realises his own powerlessness, but learns to be content with the Lord’s direction of his life and finds a peace that passes understanding in the unfolding of the providence of the God he trusts.  How important then that His favour rest upon us.  

Joe Terrell

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