Modern Church Machinery

from Spurgeon’s sermon, “FAITH OMNIPOTENT”

Friends! the Churches of Christ have no need of the Modern
which has supplanted the Simplicity of Faith.
I verily believe, if the Lord swept the church committees
and missionary societies out of the universe, we would be
better without them.
I hope the Church will soon say, like David in Saul’s clanking
armor, “I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them,”
and with only her sling and her stone, confident in her God,
I trust she will confront her foe.
We Can Do All Things, If We Can but Trust Christ.
“All things are possible to him that believes.”
But nothing is possible to your schemes, and to your systems.
God will sweep them away yet, and happy shall be that
man who shall lead the van in their utter destruction!
Go up against her, take away her bulwarks, for they are not
the Lord’s; he did not ordain them, nor will he stand by them.
Act in faith, O you people of God, and prove the power of
prayer, for “all things are possible to him that believes.”

The fact is, God does not need our power, but our weakness;
not our greatness, but our nothingness.

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