
Leviticus 16: 15

The goat which was slain died in the place of the guilty children of Israel. The people sinned.  They deserved to die (Romans 6:23.)  Instead of the people dying, the slain goat died as a sin-offering in the place of the people.  That is substitution (Galatians 3:13-14.)  There is no “sense” in which this offering was offered for Cain, or Amalek, or all the heathen people outside of the camp of Israel.  This offering was provided by God to make ceremonial atonement for that one nation chosen of God.  So it is that there is no “sense” in which Christ died for all men without exception. Christ Jesus is the sin-atoning offering provided by God the Father, who has made full atonement for those chosen of God, his spiritual Israel by his one offering (John 10: 15-18Hebrews 10: 14).-Clay Curtis.

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